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fredag den 29. november 2013

Scott Adams ønskede sin far død

Scott Adams, skaberen af Dilbert tegneserie-striberne, skrev fornylig på sin blog et meget personligt og følelsesladet indlæg, som han eksplicit forklarer hverken er satire eller overdrivelse.
I Hope My Father Dies Soon

And while I'm at it, I might want you to die a painful death too.

I'm entirely serious on both counts.
Hans 86-årige far var på en rædselsfuld måde døende i en hospitalsseng, "et levende helvede". Hvis det havde været en kat, var den blevet aflivet for længe siden, med god samvittighed. I stedet måtte faderen ligge måned efter måned i lidelser. Da det var forbudt for Scott Adams at gøre det eneste humane, anser han det for statslig tortur.
If you're a politician who has ever voted against doctor-assisted suicide, or you would vote against it in the future, I hate your fucking guts and I would like you to die a long, horrible death. I would be happy to kill you personally and watch you bleed out. I won't do that, because I fear the consequences. But I'd enjoy it, because you motherfuckers are responsible for torturing my father. Now it's personal.


I might feel differently in a few years, but at the moment my emotions are a bit raw. If I could push a magic button and send every politician who opposes doctor-assisted suicide into a painful death spiral that lasts for months, I'd press it. And I wouldn't feel a bit of guilt because sometimes you have to get rid of the bad guys to make the world a better place. We do it in defensive wars and the police do it daily. This would be another one of those situations.

I don't want anyone to misconstrue this post as satire or exaggeration. So I'll reiterate. If you have acted, or plan to act, in a way that keeps doctor-assisted suicide illegal, I see you as an accomplice in torturing my father, and perhaps me as well someday. I want you to die a painful death, and soon. And I'd be happy to tell you the same thing to your face.

Dilbert & Dogbert

Meget hårde ord, men med god grund. Ikke ment som en trussel, blot udtryk for en dybfølt mening. Det er umenneskeligt at kæmpe imod at mennesker, i særlige tilfælde, kan få lov til at få hjælp til at dø på en pæn måde. Grænserne er diskutable, men de steder i verden hvor muligheden er der, viser det sig at fungere fint, og uden noget som helst grundlag for de ofte udtrykte vage bekymringer om en mulighed for misbrug.

Heldigvis døde faderen nogle få timer efter at blog indlægget blev skrevet, Fire dage senere skrev han et lidt mere analyserende indlæg, men uden på nogen måde at moderere sine ligefremme ord.
The Mythical 49%

I got criticism for my uncivilized writing on this topic. My uncensored words were shocking, and I realize that. But this is a topic that pits emotion against emotion. It's not strictly an economic decision. It's about how people feel. I defend my honest display of feelings because it is important information in this debate. I want the activists to know that I don't just disagree with them in some intellectual sense. They should know that I consider them as immoral as pedophiles and terrorists. And if the comments on the Internet tell us anything it is that I am not alone. That knowledge is a useful addition to the debate. People need to know that if they are accomplices in the torture of my family members or me, I don't merely disagree with their position on the topic; I wish them a painful death. No one sheds a tear when a terrorist accidentally blows himself up in his bomb-making factory.

Just to be clear, I don't favor killing people for political activism. I'm just saying I wouldn't shed a tear if an activist opposed to doctor-assisted-suicide died a painful death. I'm not proud of that position. I'm just being honest.

Samtidig bemærker han at de mange kommentarer til hans blog indlæg (med mangfoldige kopieringer på Internet) var langt overvejende positive overfor aktiv dødshjælp. Det er selvfølgelig ikke alle, der er med på de brutale ord om modstandere, men set i forhold til hvordan den sidste stump af livet kan risikere at blive, er der et stort behov for at det skal være tilladt at afkorte dødsprocessen, efter den døendes egne værdier.

Dogbert: Here's the first draft of an advance health care directive I wrote for you.

Kill me if I have a headache. Kill me if I'm itchy. Kill me if I complain too much.

Dilbert: I might have some edits. -
Dogbert: There's your complaining again!


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