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tirsdag den 29. december 2009

Mickey Mouse vil gøre en ende på det

Mickey Mouse selvmord, suicide

Her har jeg samlet en serie striber med Mickey Mouse fra oktober 1930. Striberne er tegnet af Floyd Gottfredson som modstræbende fulgte et meget specifikt oplæg fra Walt Disney om at Mickey Mouse skulle forsøge selvmord på underholdende måder.

Mouse Planet: Mickey Tries to Commit Suicide
One that I'll never forget, and which I still don't understand was when he said, 'Why don't you do a continuity of Mickey trying to commit suicide?' So I said, 'Walt! You're kidding!' He replied, 'No, I'm not kidding. I think you could get a lot of funny stuff out of that.' I said, 'Gee whiz, Walt. I don't know. What do you think the Syndicate will think of it? What do you think the editors will think? And the readers?' He said, 'I think it will be funny. Go ahead and do it.' So I did, oh, maybe ten days of Mickey trying to commit suicide—jumping off bridges, trying to hang himself... I don't remember all the details. But strangely enough, the Syndicate didn't object. We didn't hear anything from the editors, and Walt said, 'See? It was funny. I told you it would be.'

Det blev til en lille historie hvor Mickey Mouse er helt fortvivlet over at det ser ud til at Minnie Mouse er faldet for en lusket charmør, Slicker. Derfor har Mickey ikke mere at leve for, så han vil begå selvmord.

Men han er også meget ambivalent. Når forsøgene går galt viser det sig at han slet ikke vil dø, men med jalousi og kærestesorg prøver han igen og igen. Happy ending da legende egern får Mickey Mouse til at indse at verden ikke er så ringe endda.

Sådan set en sød lille historie, som passer godt til datidens filmbranche. Men den er tydeligvis fra før "politisk korrekthed" gjorde det til en dødssynd ikke at lade som om børn tager skade af omtale af "tunge" emner omkring døden.

Hermed striberne. De enkelte billeder kan forstørres til læselig udgave ved klik.

Mickey Mouse attempts suicide
Mickey Mouse attempts suicide
Mickey Mouse attempts suicide
Mickey Mouse attempts suicide
Mickey Mouse attempts suicide
Mickey Mouse attempts suicide
Mickey Mouse attempts suicide
Mickey Mouse attempts suicide
Mickey Mouse attempts suicide
Mickey Mouse attempts suicide
Mickey Mouse attempts suicide
Mickey Mouse attempts suicide
Mickey Mouse attempts suicide
Mickey Mouse attempts suicide
Mickey Mouse attempts suicide


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