The sound of applause is delicious
It's a thrill to have the world at your feet
The praise of the crowd is exciting,
but I've learned that's not what makes a life complete
There's one thing you can do
for the rest of your days
That's worth more than applause
The screaming crowd, the bouquets
One smile that cheers you
One face that lights when it nears you
One man you're ev'rything to
Fame, if you win it
Comes and goes in a minute
Where's the real stuff in life to cling to?
Love is the answer
Someone to love is the answer
Once you've found him
build your world around him
It's a thrill to have the world at your feet
The praise of the crowd is exciting,
but I've learned that's not what makes a life complete
There's one thing you can do
for the rest of your days
That's worth more than applause
The screaming crowd, the bouquets
Make someone happy
Make just one someone happy
Make just one heart the heart you sing to
Make just one someone happy
Make just one heart the heart you sing to
One smile that cheers you
One face that lights when it nears you
One man you're ev'rything to
Fame, if you win it
Comes and goes in a minute
Where's the real stuff in life to cling to?
Love is the answer
Someone to love is the answer
Once you've found him
build your world around him
Make someone happy
Make just one someone happy
And you will be happy too
Make just one someone happy
And you will be happy too
YouTube: Doris Day sings Make Someone Happy
Den metode virkede faktisk ganske udmærket, begge veje. Så længe det kunne lade sig gøre.
Men hendes handling ændrer intet ved den store kærlighed til dig, og det må trods alt være godt at vide...
Ja, hendes kærlighed betød og betyder meget for mig.
Og den var ubrudt i forhold til tre år før, hvor hendes lykke gav sig udslag i at hun ikke engang havde hørt om andre hvor det gik så godt. Og det undte hun virkelig for andre.
Tak... har nok hele tiden følt at vide rette besked ;-)
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