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lørdag den 1. maj 2010


Paul Villinski: Yes

Kunstneren Paul Villinski samler krøllede øldåser på gaderne i New York, og giver dem et nyt og smukkere liv. Som sommerfugle der kommer ud af puppen.

Paul Villinski: Yes (detail)

The process of making this work is a kind of physical meditation, a yoga of tin snips and files and fingers. One has to find a bit of inner stillness to craft the delicate antenna of a butterfly from a crumpled beer can. I trust this meditative quality informs the work and suggests its larger possibilities.

The beer can butterflies are like snowflakes, no two exactly alike. Many are imprinted with the textures of the streets of New York, embossed by the printing press of passing traffic. While each element is unique, individual, they are rarely alone. They rest or fly en masse, flowing in the same direction or diverging, each on its own path – a dream of harmony and community.

Paul Villinski: Paradigm


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